Eres Holz (*1977) – hautwärts (2018)
Jan Brauer/LUX:NM – Telegram (2019)
Daniel Brandt/LUX:NM – Cosmic Fragments (2019).


LUX:NM has created an evening of improvisations and compositions by Eres Holz, Daniel Brandt and Jan Brauer that explores the representation of empathy in our time.

Solos and ensemble passages are juxtaposed supported by a special lighting concept in the work “hautwärts” by Eres Holz.

Electronic and analog improvisations form the framework in the joint work by Jan Brauer and LUX:NM.

Daniel Brandt (Brandt Brauer Frick) consciously relates the two “worlds” again in his subsequent composition. He goes out of the immediacy
and gives the electronics the role of the sound base on which the analog instruments of the ensemble LUX:NM freely act, in the best sense of the word completely merging with it in a possibly new form of empathy.

The world premiere took place on November 30, 2019 at the Villa Elisabeth in Berlin.

The concert was recorded by Deutschlandfunk and broadcast in 2020 –> more detailed information here.

LUX:NM & Guests
Ruth Velten – saxophone | Florian Juncker – trombone | Silke Lange – accordion | Vitaliy Kyianytsia – piano | Zoé Cartier – violoncello | Martin Offik – sound direction | Nikolaus Neuser – trumpet | Jan Brauer – sound design