Böse Büchse

A project by Club Real and LUX:NM with children

Club Real and Silke Lange from LUX:NM created and built individual Fluxus boxes together with 10 children from the Leo-Lionni Grundschule in Wedding (Berlin): Pandora’s boxes. These have now been activated. Evil is inside.

Artists from the FLUXUS movement, which developed spectacular art exhibitions and concepts in America and Europe in the mid-1960s, also built the so-called Flux kits (Fluxus boxes). These could contain anything from tiny structures and objects to scores and game instructions. In addition, they are made out of widely varying materials, for example wood or plastic; or they are an actual suitcase, crate or box.

The world premiere was on 10 July 2015.

“Dimahs Traum“ – Dimah Al Shammari / Glitzer, Moosgummi, Modellbaufiguren, Kleber, Glas
“Fell“ – Ola Al Shammari / Fell, Zähne, Kleber
“Gülizars Mathetest“ – Gülizar Bayram / Mathetest 50 mal kopiert, Streichhölzer
“Mustafas Bein“ – Alexis Michaelides / Papier, Kleber, Mundstück
“Henna Abend“ – Esma Bozdan / Epoxyd Harz, Schnuller, Papier, zerschlagenes Teeglas, Autoschlüssel
“Alles gut hier in Deutschland“ – Ibrahim Sofan
“Das schreiende Sofa“ – Toana Khan / Stoff, Holz, Miniaktivbox, Heißkleber, Tapete
“Du bist dümmer als ein Tier“ – Melike Demir / Papier, Filzstifte, Glas
“Hausarrest“ – Kenny Eichstädt / Fimo, Gitter
“Kommt zocken“ – Mouhamed Abed – Ali / Leuchtball, Papier, Filzstift
“Quälende Vorstellung“ – Marianne Ramsay – Sonneck / Filz, creaplast

club real in cooperation with LUX:NM
partners: Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Berlin e.V., im Hort der Leo Lionni Grundschule
supported by Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung